Підтримати Україну

Original course "Sexuality education for adults"

Intensive from SEX.Prostir for those who need to build relationships with deep feelings without falsehood

Start at any time

12 video lectures


Access for 3 months

Авторський курс
«Сексуальна освіта для дорослих»

Інтенсив від SEX.Prostir для тих, кому важливо побудувати відносини з глибокими почуттями без фальші

Старт в будь-який час

12 відео-лекцій

Домашні завдання

Доступ на 3 місяці

Our course is for you if you want to return passion in your couple, understand your truths desires, get more satisfaction in sex and learn sexual Awareness.

As a result of the course you:

learn what sexual awareness is

find your sexual fetishes and partner fetishes

understand what the context of the sex game is

learn how to restore passion in a couple

create your seduction strategy

actualize deep desires

Course program

The course is conducted in Russian

Module 1. The role of sex in life and society

У цьому модулі ви:

  • get acquainted with the term “sexual awareness” and understand how a person's personality develops through sexuality;
  • determine the stage at which you and your partner are in order to find your unique path of developing sexuality;
  • learn to think positively and creatively, developing your individuality through sensuality and passion.

Lecture 1. Sexuality in culture.
Lecture 2. Stages of development of adult sexuality. Sexual awareness.

Speaker: Yuliia Yaroshenko

Module 2. My erotic fantasies

In this module you:

  • you will learn why sexual fantasies are needed and why it is not at all necessary to try everything that is in trend to be sexy;
  • get effective tools and techniques for analyzing your fantasies in order to find the levers of passion within yourself;
  • learn how to properly broadcast your fantasies to others;
  • be able to feel and identify your sexual archetypes;
  • learn about the principles of behavior in different sexual roles.

Lecture 3. Why study erotic fantasies. Methods of working with them.

Lecture 4. Ways to express sexuality (clothing and makeup).

Speakers: Yuliia Yaroshenko, Liliya Litovka

Module 3. Sexual taboos and prejudices

In this module you:

  • learn how stereotypes work and why your consciousness includes defense mechanisms;
  • learn to remove shameful labels from your fantasies and work with socially imposed biases;
  • it will be the most difficult topic on the course, but as a result you will open the door to a new for yourself and a very exciting world of sexual maturity.

Lecture 5.Defense Mechanisms and Sexuality. Methods of working with them.

Lecture 6. Sexual taboos in our culture. Superconscious settings and how to work with them.

Speakers: Liliya Litovka, Valeriya Arsenieva

Module 4. Sexuality in relationships

In this module you:

  • learn about the ecological approach to the culture of seduction and understand how you can influence the degree of relationship and the level of passion with your partner;
  • develop your own strategy of seducing your partner and learn how to add different spices to your unique recipe for sensual relationships.

Lecture 7. Principles of seduction.

Lecture 8. Where does passion go (laws of sexual roles).

Speaker: Kateryna Palij

Module 5. Sexual hygiene

In this module, we will talk about how to maintain your sexual health and how to communicate your wishes to partners without killing sexuality.

Lecture 9. Sexual health.

Speaker: Valeriya Arsenieva

Module 6. Ethics of sexual relationships (different formats)

In this module you:

  • familiarize yourself with tools for processing jealousy and developing an ethical attitude towards partners;
  • In the practical lesson of this module, you will be able to ask questions to your mentors and develop a personal development plan for your sexuality that will help you discover new horizons of your own sexuality after completing the course.

Lecture 11.Etiquette of love triangles.

Lecture 12. Summing up.

Speakers: Liliya Litovka, Yuliya Yaroshenko

Bonus Lectures

Lecture 1. How to form a space for sexual fantasy.

Lecture 2. Stereotypes associated with parenthood. How not to block your sexuality after having children

Course "Sexuality education for adults"

The course is written in Russian


  • 6 modules
  • 12 lectures
  • Homework
  • Start training — at any time
  • Access for 3 months

Part of the funds from the sales of the course is transferred to the assistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Sign up


Yuliia Yaroshenko

Co-founder of Sex.Prostir. Certified sexologist.


Liliya Litovka

Psychologist, studies the history of the manifestation of eroticism in various


Valeriya Arsenieva

Author of trainings on sexuality, yoga instructor, dance teacher, rehabilitologist.


Kateryna Palij

Psychoanalyst, yoga instructor. In his classes, he emphasizes the search for real desires.


How is our course different from others?

What will be on the course

Rich lectures

We dive deep into each topic, but at the same time we are not overloaded with information. Each lecture will help you take a step towards sexual awareness.

Practical tools

We do not engage in self-digging, but give verified techniques for deep knowledge of our sexuality.

Expansion of horizons

We will introduce you to the history of the sexual cultures of the world. You will see that any fantasy in one culture was fashionable, in another it was immoral. This will help you look at your own desires and taboos in a different way.

What will not be on the course

Sex Technician.We do not teach technicians, but give a theory with which you can analyze your psyche in terms of sexuality.

Standard templates and schemes.We aim to help you better understand yourself and your desires rather than cramming your personality into fashion templates.

Vulgarity.We talk about sex freely, delicately, from an adult position.

Pressure.No one is going to force you to do what you don't want to do.

Violation of privacy.We guarantee that your participation in the course will remain between us.

How is the course


After payment, you will receive a login and password to access your personal account with course materials.



In each module there are 2 video lectures that you can watch at any convenient time.



Tasks for independent work will help you to consolidate the material of each module in practice and better understand your own desires.




Pay for the course on the website with a Visa/Mastercard card of any bank in the world.

“Knowledge and development of one's own Sexuality— it is powerful motivator for the development of the personality.

By reflecting on the subtleties of fantasies, you will be able to understand in which direction to develop yourself and the relationship.”


I got more than I was looking for)
I received an exhaustive consultation on safe sex)
I gained the skill of tolerating the sex needs of other people)
I learned about modern dating tools. I now look at sex as a self-development tool.
I got information for growth.
I received not only education, but also felt, and it was very important! Thank you very much!
Thank you all! I, however, am very grateful) Do not stop, so many more people sleep with their eyes open all their lives...

The course is more than enough. Abundant generosity to the creators of the course. On many occasions I received a solution. Now it became four concepts, in which direction to move, as if to expand. He also received a lot of answers to his requests according to the previous reviews, many things took their place.

Once again, I thank your team for the course. I received answers to many questions, understood and updated the desire and destruction, realized that it is necessary to constantly develop and listen to myself and my partner. Huge thanks to the curators who guided and helped. All dark eyes are interesting and set in motion for a few days to come. Thank you for the selection of the films “The Story of O” and “The Story of O2”. Thank you!


How long will I have access to the materials?

Within 3 months from the start of the course.

How much time do you need to allocate for the course?

To complete the course, we recommend highlighting in your schedule for the week:

  • 2 hours — to listen to lectures;
  • 30 minutes — to complete homework;
  • 2 hours — to watch recommended films and literature (optional).

You can take the course at your own pace, faster or slower, for this you have 3 months from the moment of its purchase.

Will I be able to get feedback on my homework?

There is no feedback on the course. But if, after doing homework, you have questions or need help, you can always contact the lecturers of the course for personal advice or counseling for the couple.


Modern School of Sexual Development for Adults

We are against ignorance in the sexual sphere.

We adhere to World Health Organization standards for sex education.

We are against alienation, hostility in relationships.

We are against banality in seduction, infantilism, sacrifice and a sense of ownership in relationships.

We do not consider jealousy the norm, so we have created a large number of practices to eliminate them.

We will not condemn you for any desires and will help you accept yourself.

The better you know yourself, the more pleasure you can get from sex and from life in general

Sign up for a course

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that you are already 18 years old.

I am 18 years old or olderI am not yet 18 years old