1.1 The following terms are used in the User Agreement: "School" means the Modern School of Sexual Development for Adults SEX.Prostir, represented by its organisers: Yaroshenko Yulia Vasylivna, Slavioglo Svitlana Mykolaivna, Chelikidi Valeria Valentinivna, Kunaeva Lilia Gennadievna, Paliy Kateryna Serhiivna, who act together to implement joint educational projects without creating a legal entity. The project organisers are official representatives of the School.* Each of the project organisers has the status of an individual entrepreneur.The references to "we", "us", "us", "our" that appear in the text of this Agreement should be considered as referring to the School.School resources - the School's information resources covered by this User Agreement are the website, as well as the following pages on social networks and channels in messengers:

"Lecturer" / "School Lecturer" means the co-organisers of the SEX.Prostir project, lecturers, leading teachers listed on the Website in the "Team" section, as well as invited experts as speakers listed on the pages with specific School events. "User" means any individual who has visited the Website or other information resources of the School, as well as any person who has subscribed to the newsletter or uses the materials of the Website, other resources of the School. A person who has filled in the Application and confirmed his/her agreement with the Web Registration process, the User Agreement and the School's Privacy Policy shall also be considered a User until his/her application is approved. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "User" is broader than and includes the term "Participant". This means that every Participant is a User, but not every User is a Participant of the Events if he/she does not actually participate in the School's Events, but only receives any information from the School's Resources placed in the public domain. "Event Participant"/"Participant" means any individual whose Application has been approved, as well as a person who participates in seminars, trainings, other events organised or co-organised by the School, held in online and offline formats.   By filling out such an Application, an individual declares his/her desire to become a Participant of the Event or a subscriber to the Website. The School may, inter alia, use Google Forms or other resources as a platform for creating such forms. "Registration Form" means the Application form filled in by the User, which includes acceptance of the User Agreement. "User Agreement" means an agreement between the Parties that defines their rights and obligations, as well as the terms and conditions of use of the Website, other School resources, and the rules for the provision of services by the School. "Privacy Policy" means a document regulating the processing of personal data. Events may be held in online and offline formats. Events can be paid and free of charge. Events have different duration, topics, number of participants, and lecturers. "Online Event" means an Event held remotely, using telecommunication technologies, software and equipment (Internet, computer equipment, smartphones, etc.). An online Event does not require the physical presence of Lecturers and Participants in the same room. "Offline Event" means an Event held by Lecturers who are in direct contact with the Participants in the same room or in an open space. "Intellectual Property" means information, knowledge, techniques provided at the Events and taught at the School, as well as materials, techniques for conducting the Events and programmes that may become known as a result of training within the Events, as well as materials, techniques for conducting the Events and programmes that may become known within the framework of the Events. The objects of Intellectual Property are also video and audio recordings of lectures, Events held by the School and posted on its resources.

‍1.2. The parties to this Agreement are the School and the Users.

1.3. This Agreement is an adhesion agreement, the terms of which are established by the School. By subscribing to the newsletter, filling out the Application or using the School's Resources, the User joins the Agreement in general.

1.4. The School reserves the right to amend or cancel any provisions of the User Agreement from time to time as it deems necessary for the School's operation and the training of Users. Any such changes will be published on the Website and shall be binding on the Users from the moment of publication.   The School is not obliged to notify each User personally of such changes.

1.5. Links to the text of the User Agreement and the Privacy Policy are posted on the pages of the Website and are also included in the registration form.

1.6. The processing of personal data (information about Users) is governed by our Privacy Policy - please read it. The School's Privacy Policy is an integral part of this Agreement.

1.7. This Agreement is not a public contract in terms of training Users and holding Events.


2.1 This Agreement regulates the mutual rights and obligations of the School and the Users regarding the use of the Website and other information resources of the School, as well as the provision of services specified in clause 2.2. of this Agreement.

2.2. The School provides the following services through the Website and its other resources:

2.2.1. provides an opportunity to watch video lectures, recordings of webinars, seminars of a general educational nature;

2.2.2. sends out the School's news, as well as information and educational materials;


3.1. By filling out the subscription form on our Website and clicking the "Subscribe" button, you, as the User, agree to this Agreement and express your desire to receive the School's newsletter to your email address

3.3.2. The newsletter may include various announcements, interesting articles on sexual development, body practices, psychological practices, relationship psychology, yoga and other related topics, notifications of events related to these topics, as well as notifications of various events, seminars, trainings within the School or from our Partners. We may also send you information of an advertising nature concerning: activities, events, news, video lectures related to the School's activities; services of our School; services related to


4.1 To participate in an Event, you must complete an Application Form on the Website or any other Internet resource where our Registration Form is available. The announcement of an upcoming Event may specify the conditions of recruitment, age and other restrictions, as well as possible contraindications to training.

4.2 The final decision on acceptance of a person who has submitted an Application for participation in the Event remains at the discretion of the School. A person who has received confirmation of participation in a particular Event shall become a Participant of the relevant Event and may be admitted to the classes. At the discretion of the Lecturer, the User who has submitted the Application may be interviewed before being admitted to the class.

4.3 The School reserves the absolute right to refuse the User's admission to the training and admission to the Events.  

4.4 The forms (formats) of the Events and classes available at the time are published on the Website or other School Resources.

4.5 The School may not refuse to provide the User with the opportunity to undergo training.

5 The School reserves the right to exclude from the Participants, suspend training or refuse to resume training at the School of any Participant in the following cases:

4.5.1. the behaviour of the Participant, in the reasonable opinion of the School, causes or may be considered to cause damage to the reputation and goals of the School;

4.5.2. the behaviour of the Participant, in the reasonable opinion of the School, interferes with the training of other Participants, or is incorrect in relation to other Participants of the Event;

4.5.3. The User provided inaccurate information in the Application during registration;

4.5.4. The User has violated the terms of payment for participation in the Event;

4.5.5. The User has violated any of the terms of this Agreement.

4.5.5. Any Participant expelled in such a way loses access to all Events and School resources (websites, chats, social media groups, etc.) and is not entitled to a refund for the Event or for the period of study during which he/she was expelled.

4 .6 The Participant has the right to terminate participation in the Event and/or study at the School at his/her own request at any time by notifying the leading Lecturer or a representative of the School.

4 .7 If the Participant decides to terminate his/her participation in the Event of his/her own free will, but has already paid the tuition fee, the payment is not refundable, except in certain cases that the School considers as cases with a valid reason. the payment is not refundable in case of exclusion from the Participants in accordance with clauses 4.5., 8.2., section 7 of this Agreement.

4.8 Our online Events are usually held using third-party software and applications (Zoom, Skype, etc.).

4.9 Information about the venue of the Event, as well as other features of the Event in the offline format, is announced separately.


5.1. The School holds Events on a paid basis, unless otherwise specified in the announcement of a particular Event. The cost of participation in the Events, terms and procedure of payment are specified in the announcement of the Event or in the Application form. The School reserves the right to change the price of the Event by notifying you of such change prior to payment.

5.2.   If the Event paid for by the Participant does not take place due to the fault of the School, the Participant has the right to take part in the same or similar Event at another time. The procedure for attending such Events, as well as the possibility of attending another Event instead, shall be discussed individually with the leading Lecturer or a representative of the School. If attending the Event instead of the one that did not take place is impossible for more than three months for reasons beyond the Participant's control, as well as if attending another event is uninteresting or inconvenient for the Participant, the School undertakes to refund the payment for such Event.

5.3. The School may organise Events free of charge at its sole discretion. The number, duration and other conditions of such Events shall be announced separately. Free Events may, in particular, be intended to enable Users to get an idea of the Events organised by the School and to make a decision on further study. For example, the School may organise an introductory seminar or webinar to announce a training course consisting of several classes or courses.

The School reserves the right to refuse to provide free Activities, limit their duration or terminate them if it becomes aware of misuse by the User.


6.1. All materials posted on the Website and other information resources of the School are published for general educational and informational purposes. By publishing materials about the peculiarities of sexual manifestations and traditions in different cultures of the world, we do not encourage users to commit rash acts and practices.

6.2. when creating our materials and planning our Events, we are guided by the standards of sexuality education in Europe from the World Health Organization.

6.3. The School does not accept any claims from Pol.   All information provided by the School is for guidance only.

6.4. We are not responsible for the operation of third-party programs and applications (Zoom, Skype, etc.), as well as for the quality (transmission speed) of the Participant's Internet connection during the Event. When registering, please read the user agreements posted on the websites of the developers/owners of such programs and applications. Please take care of the quality of the Internet connection on your devices during the classes.

6.5 The School shall not be liable to the Users for technical problems that may occur during the Events, both on the part of the School and the Users, through no fault of the School, including, but not limited to, power outages, malfunctions of communication channels, interruptions and malfunctions of third-party programs and applications. Before participating in the Event in the online format, please make sure that


7.1 During the Events, in the course of training, Participants of such Events may ask personal questions, share their experiences and feelings, discuss personal situations, difficulties and ways to overcome them, including psychological ones, share information about their sexual life, health, medical information, other personal information. the said information is confidential information about the person to whom it relates and is protected by national and international law. Such Users may not be Participants of the Events and are not allowed to attend Events, seminars, trainings in the offline format, as the School cares about the safety of persons who are engaged under its auspices.

7.4.1. Users who have the diseases specified in clause

7.3. shall be aware of the criminal and administrative liability established by the legislation of Ukraine for intentional or unintentional infection of other persons with such diseases.

7.4.2. The Participant of the Event is obliged to inform or consult a representative of the School in case of doubt regarding clause

7.4.2. Such information is not stored by us and is not transferred anywhere.   Only the fact that it is possible or impossible to safely participate in the Event is important.


8.1 Unless otherwise stated, the copyrights to the materials posted on the Website and other information resources and services of the School belong to the School.Copying of the materials of the Website and other information resources of the School without the written consent of the School is prohibited.Partial quotation of the materials of the Website and other information resources of the School is allowed with a mandatory reference to the source page of the quotation (not more than 10% of the total volume of the material).

8.2 Information, knowledge, methods used during the Events organised by the School, as well as materials, techniques and programmes that may become known as a result of training at the School, audio and video recordings are Intellectual Property (including know-how) of the School and/or third parties and are protected by national and international legislation.  

8.3. The applicable law to legal relations and disputes arising on the basis of this Agreement shall be the legislation of Ukraine.All issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be regulated by the legislation of Ukraine.All disputes that could not be resolved through negotiations shall be considered by the courts of Ukraine.